
ReEngine Innovation Depot

As ReEngine has built its methodology and honed it specifically for government agencies, it has developed many innovations along the way.

Public sector organizations face challenges that are unique and, while the tools of Lean and Six Sigma are invaluable in improving processes, many must be altered before they can be put to their best and highest use in the halls of government.

What you’ll find below are a series of White Papers, Tutorials, Videos, and other material that will be invaluable as one seeks to improve their team.


Case Study: Backlog Reduction

Jun 19, 2024

Backlog Reductions Lowers Staff Frustration and Turnover

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Alfredo Mycue

Alfredo Mycue

White Paper

Open Letter to Attorneys

Jul 7, 2022

A letter to attorneys concerning how continuous improvement can benefit their work in government.

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Alfredo Mycue

Alfredo Mycue

ReEngine Slides

Demystifying Strategy in Government

Jul 3, 2020

Developing a thorough and effective strategy for a public sector organization.

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Alfredo Mycue

Alfredo Mycue

White Paper

Leading High-Engagement Projects Remotely

Jul 2, 2020

Advice on Remote Project Leadership and Facilitation

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Alfredo Mycue

Alfredo Mycue

White Paper

A New Bottom-line for Government: QT/OE and the Quest for Ever-Improving Service and Value per Dollar

Aug 16, 2017

Explore QT/OE measure and explore its promise of "telling the truth" in government.

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Alfredo Mycue

Alfredo Mycue
